The MonoBlogs started as Operation: Grad School—an attempt to document the strange things graduate students do in their stressful two year tenure. After graduating and moving from Portland to LA, I changed the name and occasionally updated with personal stories.

Now I’m in a 30-something living with my fiancé and two pups in Sacramento. I’m a radio lady, bringing country music to the masses on 105.1 KNCI.

I’m obsessed with dogs (mine, yours, and every one that exists), food, and all things beauty and fashion.  I’m also lazy and work in a studio where no one sees me so I consider myself a normal girl doing the best she can in a crazy world.

Timmy is my beagle and the love of my life. Little is his pibble sister and the baby of the house. And Zach is the fiancé who’s turned me into a fantasy football obsessed butthole.

Currently I’m documenting my doggies via adorable photos, meal prepping healthier recipes to make weekday life easier, collecting makeup products and sharing my thoughts and tips, and letting you know what else I think is worth sharing. Follow along and join in the fun!

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